Monday, 26 January 2009

New Tress for Mandrell, Lambert and Lyham Road

Lambeth Council has agreed to plant new trees in Mandrell, Lambert and Lyham Road. The beautiful new silver birches will be planted in the next few days and we really hope they will brighten up the local environment.

Local people have already been asked to comment on the proposals by the Brixton Hill councillors - Steve Reed, Florence Nosegbe and Betty Evans-Jacas - and received nearly everyone's support. This is one of the many ways that our Labour Council is trying to make life better for local people.

In a letter to local residents, Councillor Steve Reed said, "All the Labour Councillors really hope the new trees will transform the way your road looks."

Get in touch with any of your local Labour councillors if you want to raise any issues about the council or if you need help with local services.

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